When Beagle’s lawsuit went public, Connor Cochran grandly declared that his “rebuttal” would tell the “true” story. Besides a few financially tied associates, his followers are having increasingly confused and cold responses. A typical comment: “This makes my head hurt.” Some are sending support here. WELCOME.
His “rebuttal” is now filed. It’s as slimy and deceptive as you could possibly expect. There was never any doubt what the approach would be. It’s wasting everyone’s time and money with his trademark overly-verbose blowhard style, and “I’m not a poopyhead, you’re a poopyhead!” strategy.
This kind of vexatious litigation is used to outspend small victims. Against Peter Beagle, it’s insult to injury- since he dominated Peter with a tiny allowance like a child, and refused to give accounting for all the money made by exploiting his work.
Cochran’s defense includes a slimy reverse attack about “undue influence” on Peter. In short, he’s attacking Peter’s life partner of 17 years as punishment.
The timing is incredible: the defense was written and filed while he was simultaneously hit with an entirely new lawsuit for THE SAME PATTERN OF FRAUD. Let’s see him blame this on “undue influence!”
A sober reading of the evidence can easily blow away the smoke – leaving just the cold truth that he’s in deep trouble.
…the evidence they’ve included so far totally contradicts Cochran’s statements regarding Peter’s mental health and state of well-being, and supports the fact that the psychologist was fed information about the alcoholism from an outside source that didn’t appear to be true… if Beagle’s team can prove even half of it, this won’t end well for Conlan Press. – link
It takes a strong stomach to read 100 pages of loathsome attacks at Peter Beagle. It’s on the court website, but a helpful reader sent a comment that boils it down.
Read the docs. The answer and crossclaim basically says,
Connor Cochran is a saint who deserves all the credit for Beagle’s career.
His controlling Beagle’s life, apartment and doctors was totally altruistic, not securing a golden goose.
Cochran’s evicting people for landlord profit and meddling in breakup of Beagle’s family over inheritance was altruistic. Nothing to do with the trail of destruction that follows him.
Beagle’s forgetting a few fan names is because he’s lost his mind. Not because an elder was tired from being hustled around to hundreds of movie shows for Cochran’s profit.
He didn’t give much effort to write an introduction to some comic strips and that’s “bizarre” behavior for a “college-educated” man (which Cochran isn’t.)
Beagle’s life partner of 15 years is a crazy, dirty whore who has been scheming against the saintly Cochran to get all the money. (It really does call her a crazy dirty whore, in slightly more legal terms. Vile. It targets “undue influence” of gold digging, however she was there long before there was money to dispute. It chillingly resembles punishing Beagle for leaving him.)
Beagle’s lawyer is evil because, uh, her dad wasn’t what Cochran considers a very well known writer, and he worked at a not so great literary agency for a few years in the 60’s.
Cochran really has more evidence than this dump of gossip and insinuation, but he won’t show it because, uh, it’s too harmful to show.
This guy is a predator who needs to be stopped. In case you want this for an update, just FYI what to expect.
We’re committed to Consumer Rights and ending abuse. We welcome reconciliation between previous supporters of Connor Cochran and the victims who, for far too long, have suffered manipulation, gaslighting and exploitation. Enough is enough.
Please look at all these lawsuits hitting him, and question any emotion he may have put into you. Please keep care for Peter, and let Cochran face justice without helping him to delay it any longer.
Connor’s groupies, or whatever they are, are beginning to remind me rather markedly of Jonestown. I’m just saying.
This is all quite consistent with Freff’s long standing reputation. Check your email, I’m sending some documents.
I can guess who’s lying & who’s not (though I won’t give names) but my hope is everything gets sorted and that the stuff ppl ordered in the last decade gets delivered. And I’m not just saying that because I know my mum ordered something from C Press. Just want justice to come and see the case closed with everyone in their proper places.
Is it possible to find a copy of the crossclaim filed by Cochran?